Wipeout 2048 is the first entry in the series on the PlayStation Vita, it was released as a launch title in the US and the UK, and it is a prequel to the 1st WipEout game released in 1995 on the PlayStaion.
My role on WipEout 2048 was primarily ship artist, seeing the in game assets through from design and creation to their final in-game state. I also helped to create the ship effects, such as ship shield, leech beam, engine flares, damaged versions, holographic ghost ships and alternate liveries and assisted with shader creation, various design ideas and any LOD work needed throughout the games development cycle.
The game was released with a total of 5 teams, of which I worked on 3 in various ways. I was responsible for the AG-Systems team in full, but also worked on Auricom and Pir-hana Agility ships.
WipEout 2048 PS Vita Launch Trailer